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[⚠️暫停導覽公告 Temporary Closure ⚠️]

因配合新冠肺炎疫情的防疫政策, 台積電交大能源教育館自5/13日起將暫停導覽服務 ,之後將視疫情狀態在粉專上公告是否開放參觀。臨時的公告造成您的不便還請見諒,期待未來疫情穩定時再度為您服務!

[Temporary Closure due to COVID-19]To prevent the spreading of the “COVID-19” pandemic. TSMC NCTU Energy Education Center is temporarily closed from March 13th. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this temporary closure. For the latest news, please follow us on our website / FB.

如有任何問題,請撥打服務專線(03)5712121#58468或來信 與我們聯繫。